Tyler, Me, Alexandra

Tyler, Me, Alexandra
Enjoying Mexico 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Seventh Inning Stretch

In my game plan I listed the goals of professional development and creating a digital classroom. I feel very confident that I will attain these goals in a timely manner. The reason I feel so confident in this endeaver is because of the people I share my life with. My administration believes in me and gives me great support along with my fellow teachers. My students are a fantastic support--they are always asking what I am studying this week and what new technology will be introduced in our classroom. They are always telling me good job (middle schoolers are amazing). Lastly, I have the support of a tight knit family. My children who are in college are a crutch to lean on, my parents are always their for me as well as the rest the familia! Without all of them, I would not be even in the second inning.

1. Are you finding the information and resources you need?

In the last two weeks I have met with two other teachers who will be attaining their National Board Certification. I have been assigned a mentor--she is fantastic and someone I admire, and want to be like (she is two years younger than me!!!!). On the 29th of November the Office of Public instruction for the State of Montana is announcing the teachers that were chosen for the certification in technology classes, that will be paid for. If I get this it would be amazing, If I do not, I will try again next year. As far as building a creative digital classroom I am constantly working on this, I have put aside an hour a week for research, then the other hours will be focused on building lessons that allow my students to be inquistive life long learners.

2. Do you need to modifty your action plan?

At the moment, I am not planning on modify my game plan. The only reason I will be modifying it is if I get accepted to the OPI technology classes. If I am accepted I would put off my National Certification until August. The reason for this is because I will be finishing my Walden courses in May. I do not feel I would be able to keep up!

3. What have you learned so far?Bold

That even a digital immigrant like my self can learn to play the game, with work and dedication. I have learned so many things from my classes at Walden University, I am looking forward to spending time becoming familiar with everything I have learned so my students can benefit from it. I have also learned that a positive attitude and being flexible are the main goals of any game plan.

4. What new questions have arisen?

At this time my only questions would be, how does everyone find enough time in the day to keep up with all of our demanding schedules. Life is a journey and I am enjoying it.

At the moment I am on a plane to Cancun, Mexico with my mom! We are going for Thanksgiving break to watch my daughter play in a Division 1 girls basketball tournament. My son is in North Dakota playing in a tournament. Last year I was with him. Since they are both college athletes, that is one of the done falls, they are not home for Thanksgiving. But, maybe Cancun and the nice weather isn't so bad. Since my hometown had over a foot of snow and was 15 below zero when we left.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Carrying out my Game Plan

The Old Proverb: "Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand." I love this saying!

This week we are required to blog about how we will carry out our Game Plan--I have started the process! The first thing I did was put together a binder that is called my "technology notebook). In this three ring binder I have page dividers, that divide everything that essential to my being successful in this journey of moving my teaching entirely into the 21st century. In the very front is the NETS standards! I have thought about making a second binder for at home, this would help in always having these resources at my fingertips.

I have met once this week with two teachers who will be starting the National Teacher Certification process with me. I feel this is extremely important to me being successful in this process--having others to lean on! On November 29th, OPI (Office of Public Instruction) will notify the teachers who have been selected for the technology certification training. I am crossing my fingers for this opportunity, because I feel this would help me reach my goals much faster.

I went to my principal begging for the newest CPS units, that allow texting your answers and for a Mobi slate to be used in my classroom. She found the money to purchase these items, and is excited that I use so much technology in my room, to enhance my curriculum and standards. While technology is not required to achieve each item, many of them can be more readily achieved when technology is added to the learning environment (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer 2009).

In the textbook "Technology Integration for Meaningful Classroom Use", I have read Chapter #2 several times in order to really comprehend supporting student creativity with technology.
I am looking at each of my lessons, and finding ways to incorportate technology into them, or add more technology. I have also found two more teachers to correspond with in epals. I have also finished a survey, I submitted to all my students about the use of technology in my room. This weekend I will look at the results.

Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & ertmer, P. (2009). Technology Integration for Meaningful classroom Use: A standards-based approach. Laureate Ed. Belmont

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Developing a Game Plan of My Own!

Sitting staring at the NETS standards for teachers, I find myself, switch hitting on which area I would like to improve my overall game. The main reason I am currently getting my Master's degree is for professional development--I knew that education was taking a whole new role with the use of technology and I needed to get on board. I am using the Game Plan from Cennamo, Ross, and Ertmer's text book. The first net I picked was easy, Professional Growth and Leadership. The second was not as easy, I could have picked them all--but I choose, Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity. My Game Plan follows:

Set the Goal: Up to Bat
Two years ago, I started trying to incorporate more technology into my classroom. Then came signing up for the Master's Program with Walden University, this was a big step for me--as I knew I did not have a lot of extra time in my week. Last week I signed up for "Taking Technology to the Classroom", this is to earn credits towards an APSC technology in education notation, from the Office of Public Instruction in Montana. If I was able to get this, I would have certification in Technology. Also I will be starting phase one of my National Certification, this will involve my technology skills in the classroom. All of this will help in my being an extremely proficient facilitator in the classroom, and it will inspire my students.

Take Action: First Base
Setting up the goal is my first part of the action. Surrounding myself with people in the district who are also utilizing technology in the classroom. Subscribing to blogs, and blogging myself on the topic will also help. Being involved with epals in my classroom, I am currently working with two teachers and their classrooms from California and New York. My students have been skyping others who are in various parts of the world. Two college students will be coming into my classroom in December to help strengthen my students skills with video production. Work on lessons that will engage my students in real world issues. One way of doing this will be when my students work on C-Span's annual student documentary (5 minute-video over federal government).

Monitor: Second Base
Sometimes I need to slow down and take things one step at a time, and master one thing before I move on to the next item. Have my students give me feedback on my technology skills, and fill out a rubric. It would also be a benefit to have another teacher sit and observe me as I facilitate my students and see if they feel I am inspiring them. Then I need to do a personal reflection!

Evaluate: Third Base
If I can evaluate myself, and monitor my skills--I am almost home! Will my students go on to use the material I exposed them to in class. Am I improving my skills on a weekly basis, are my lessons becoming more engaging for my students and for myself. Johnson and Johnson (1998), and Slavin ((1994) have documented student achievement gains when students work in collaborative groups. Will I have the same documentation? What has worked best, what do I need to change in my lessons. Become very familiar with the NETS standards for myself as well as my students having a copy in their folders.

This is going to be a long road to home plate, but I am not ready to steal home just yet! I realize that I have so much work to do before I can even think of heading in that direction, but I do believe I am on the right path with my education and my students. This plan will help me to become the teachers I do so admire and will help me to inspire my students in a positve way.

Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Technology Integration for Meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. (Laureate). Belmont, CA

NETS-T National Education Standards for Teachers. (2008).