Tyler, Me, Alexandra

Tyler, Me, Alexandra
Enjoying Mexico 2010

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Carrying out my Game Plan

The Old Proverb: "Tell me, and I will forget. Show me, and I may remember. Involve me, and I will understand." I love this saying!

This week we are required to blog about how we will carry out our Game Plan--I have started the process! The first thing I did was put together a binder that is called my "technology notebook). In this three ring binder I have page dividers, that divide everything that essential to my being successful in this journey of moving my teaching entirely into the 21st century. In the very front is the NETS standards! I have thought about making a second binder for at home, this would help in always having these resources at my fingertips.

I have met once this week with two teachers who will be starting the National Teacher Certification process with me. I feel this is extremely important to me being successful in this process--having others to lean on! On November 29th, OPI (Office of Public Instruction) will notify the teachers who have been selected for the technology certification training. I am crossing my fingers for this opportunity, because I feel this would help me reach my goals much faster.

I went to my principal begging for the newest CPS units, that allow texting your answers and for a Mobi slate to be used in my classroom. She found the money to purchase these items, and is excited that I use so much technology in my room, to enhance my curriculum and standards. While technology is not required to achieve each item, many of them can be more readily achieved when technology is added to the learning environment (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer 2009).

In the textbook "Technology Integration for Meaningful Classroom Use", I have read Chapter #2 several times in order to really comprehend supporting student creativity with technology.
I am looking at each of my lessons, and finding ways to incorportate technology into them, or add more technology. I have also found two more teachers to correspond with in epals. I have also finished a survey, I submitted to all my students about the use of technology in my room. This weekend I will look at the results.

Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & ertmer, P. (2009). Technology Integration for Meaningful classroom Use: A standards-based approach. Laureate Ed. Belmont


  1. Tammy- I love the quote you use, it should be the essence of all lesson plans. Your idea about using the technology notebook is wonderful; I may steal this idea from you. I love notes and lists; they help remind me what of great ideas. I also come up with great ideas while driving or when I’m at home. I have an application on my phone for notes that I use as well. I think it is great that you are getting nationally certified and that you have peers to bounce questions and ideas off. I think teachers need to be more willing to share with one another. How can we teach students to be collaborative if teachers have a fear of the process?

    You seem to be doing really well, asking and receiving resources from your school. The use of epals and the survey are great ways to incorporate technology into your lesson plans. How are going to use epals in your lessons?
    You are doing a fantastic job.


  2. I am really impressed how you are getting all the support from your principal. Your enthusiasm must be infectious - hats off to you!

    I also love your binder idea and thought of your comment about creating an extra one for home - you could always upload documents to Google documents and have access on any computer with internet access. You could also grant access to the other teachers you work with to edit the files and work collaborativly on the projects.
    Donna C.

  3. Donna,
    I am always getting great ideas from other teachers, that i can't believe I never thought of doing! So, thank you for the idea of uploading documents to google documents so I will have access on any computer. I love the idea of having other teachers having the access so they can edit the files. I work with a great staff, and I think some of them would also love this idea. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Hi Mary,
    It is difficult sometimes to get other teachers excited about collaborative learning. The science teacher in the school I work in is a fantactic teacher and we are always e-mailing other teachers great websites etc. A great articel on collaborative learning is http://www.gdrc.org/kmgmt/c-learn/index/html
    giving these websites at least puts the bug in their ear!

    At the present time my students are busy e-mailing students from Florida and California using e-pals. The teacher from Florida is an 8th grade technology teacher. My 8th grade honors history students and her class are going to start working on a wiki together.
    Having an application on your phone is a fantastic idea, I am going to use that idea, right away!!!
    Have a Happy Thanksgiving,
